Service learning is an integral part of Hales Franciscan’s core values. In addition to students needing to complete a minimum of 40 hours of individual service as part of their graduation requirements, they are also required to participate in school-based service learning projects each semester in collaboration with their Advisory Teachers and community-based organizations.
Each semester, every student at Hales Franciscan High School must submit a Service Learning Log that tracks their individual service. To be on track with the required number of hours needed for graduation, students must complete a minimum of five (5) hours of service each semester. Also, in order for the hours to be counted, students must complete an online Service Learning Reflection and be in compliance with the requirements that the service is a Christian Work of Mercy or aligns with Franciscan Values as follows:
Works of Mercy:
- Feed the hungry
- Give drink to the thirsty
- Clothe the naked
- Visit the homebound
- Give shelter to the homeless
- Care for the sick
Franciscan Values:
- Humble service to the poor and vulnerable
- Care for creation
- Peacekeeping
- Spread joy